Synergy officially became a club in 2016, but had been meeting informally for some time before then. Currently, we have nine members, eight of whom are in the photo above, taken in May 2024.
Our meetings take place near Derby, and we are affiliated to the local federation, N&EMPF, and through them, to the PAGB. We are also members of the Photographic Society of America. This allows us to compete in some local, national and international competitions.
We have no visiting speakers or internal competitions. Our meetings are varied, with image critique forming the main part. We also have discussions on photographic subjects and select images for external competitions. Occasionally we might invite a guest to join one of our meetings and share some of their work with us, but this is a group discussion rather than a lecture. We are very supportive of each other, regardless of whether members' goals are pursuing distinctions, entering exhibitions/competitions or something outside the usual club genres.
Our current members are:
Life President - Bill Nicholson BPE3* EFIAP
Chairman & Acting Secretary - Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5*
Treasurer - Paul O'Flanagan LRPS CPAGB BPE3* EFIAP
Tony Bennett CPAGB
Roger Fountain
Frank Reeder LRPS CPAGB BPE2*
Sam Ruth ARPS
Martin Vaughan FRPS BPE5*
David White ABPE
Life President - Bill Nicholson BPE3* EFIAP
Chairman & Acting Secretary - Sarah Middleton DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE5*
Treasurer - Paul O'Flanagan LRPS CPAGB BPE3* EFIAP
Tony Bennett CPAGB
Roger Fountain
Frank Reeder LRPS CPAGB BPE2*
Sam Ruth ARPS
Martin Vaughan FRPS BPE5*
David White ABPE

The nine founder members of Synergy.